A balance of both hard skills and soft skills is necessary to find career success. The right candidate knows how to make good use of both types of skills to demonstrate their proficiency and qualifications when applying for a new job.
Now, many employers are looking for candidates with soft skills suited for remote work. This article focuses on the most in-demand soft skills, and how best to demonstrate them during a job interview.
The key to demonstrating your soft skills during a job interview is to learn how to organically include and describe these traits while responding to interview questions.
You must master the art of showing, not telling. While this is often a literary technique whereby the writer uses language to help a reader experience a story through thoughts and senses, it applies equally to job interviews.
For example, let’s say you want to demonstrate that you are a problem solver. “Telling” your interviewer that you are a problem solver is exactly as it sounds. Meaning, that if your interviewer asks you what you are good at, and you say problem-solving, all you accomplished was “telling” your soft skill. A better way to answer the question is to describe a past accomplishment or situation where you used problem-solving skills to reach a resolution. This is how you “show” your soft skill.
You can do this with any of the top in-demand soft skills that we mentioned above. Let’s use time management as another example. You can showcase your time management skills by telling your recruiter how you meet deadlines or how you create timelines to manage workflow.
Before going into an interview, think of instances when you have used your soft skills. Then, when the time is right, share those instances to convey the skills you possess. Using and incorporating this process into the STAR Method is an even better way to demonstrate these soft skills during an interview.
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