Almost everyone has heard the expression, “end on a high note.”
The expression perhaps applies nowhere better than job interviews. You only have a short time with the person conducting the interview. Not to mention, there are others who are also trying their best to capture the attention of the interviewer. And so, ending the interview on a high note is key to making a lasting impression and separating yourself from the competition.
How do you end a job interview to make a lasting impression? Here are seven important tips to remember.
Most interviewers will conclude an interview by asking if you have any questions for them. Do not miss out on this opportunity to really stand out. Posing substantive, quality questions at the end of your interview will leave a lasting impression.
Find a way to conclude your interview by reminding the recruiting or hiring managers of why you are qualified for the position. You do not need to list all of your skills, just focus on your strongest skills and qualifications that tie best into the role.
Employers do not just want candidates that are qualified, they also want candidates passionate and enthusiastic about the position. Do not assume that because you applied and are interviewing that the recruiter knows how interested you are.
Indicate how excited you are about the prospect of working for the employer.
You can leave a lasting impression by asking the recruiter or hiring manager if there is any other information they would like from you, or if there are any outstanding concerns regarding your qualifications or application yet unresolved.
One way to express your enthusiasm and interest in the role without expressly stating it is to ask where the process goes from here. Meaning, how long will it take them to make a hiring decision? When can you expect to hear from them?
This forward-looking, positive approach is sure to leave a lasting impression.
Gratitude goes a long way. Sending those who interviewed you a thank you note is a great way to remind them who you are and make sure they think about you after the interview concludes. It also speaks to your character and offers an additional reason why you are worth employing.
This final tip is important throughout the interview but is especially important at the end. Your body language should convey confidence. And at the end, use a firm handshake to again show your confidence and professionalism. You would be surprised how many candidates fail to do even these simple gestures, and as a result, forfeit opportunities they would otherwise qualify for.
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