The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. No matter how well we may plan, emergencies and unforeseen circumstances can suddenly come up and derail those plans.
But what should you do when you have a scheduled job interview that you need to cancel last minute? Is there anything you can do so that you do not ruin your chances of getting hired?
Before you contact your potential employer to cancel an interview, you should first consider if you can reschedule your interview.
This option is best if you are still interested in an interview and working for that employer.
If you cannot reschedule your interview, and you need to cancel, you need to make sure to do the following.
First, see if you can contact everyone involved in the interview process. Meaning, contact not only the interviewer, but also his or her secretary, and whomever else was responsible for scheduling the time.
Second, provide as much notice as possible. That is not always easy, because certain situations can arise immediately before an interview.
Third, make sure you provide your legitimate reason for cancellation. These often include a health concern or family emergency. If you got another job offer, make sure to let them know that as well (see below).
Fourth, be sure to communicate your ongoing interest in an interview if you really would like to try again whenever you have dealt with this emergency.
Here are a few templates you can use if you need to cancel an interview.
Here is an example you can use if you need to cancel your job interview via email.
Hi [name of employer/interviewer/assistant],
I am emailing you regarding the interview I have scheduled for [date and time] at [interview location] regarding the open [job title] position.
[Briefly explain why you are canceling, such as family emergency or personal health concerns].
I want you to know that I am still very interested in this position and am hoping we could reschedule for [new date and time]? Please let me know if that works for you or if you would prefer another date or time.
I know the time constraints you face, and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. I appreciate your understanding in advance.
[Your name]
Sometimes a phone call may be more appropriate, especially when you are canceling last minute.
Hi [name of employer/interviewer/assistant],
I am calling to discuss my upcoming interview for the [job title] position we scheduled for [date and time] at [interview location].
Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, I will have to cancel.
[Briefly explain why you are canceling last minute, such as family emergency or personal health concerns].
I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.
Simple professional courtesy encourages job seekers to let an interviewer know that they received a job offer and decided to go elsewhere.
Hi [name of employer/interviewer/assistant],
I am reaching out to discuss my upcoming interview for the [job title] position we scheduled for [date and time] at [interview location].
I just wanted to let you know that I have accepted another job offer and am therefore no longer available to interview for the position
Thank you for your consideration of my application.
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