Networking and getting noticed by the right people are critical for career success. Knowing the right people will earn you interviews, job offers, and help you climb the corporate ladder or build your entrepreneurial efforts.
But today’s networking is largely online. And so, savvy networkers must make use of social media if they expect to form meaningful, professional connections. And perhaps the most important professional social media site is LinkedIn.
Believe it or not, 55 million companies list on LinkedIn and more than 740 million people in over 200 countries use the site. But with so many employers and job seekers, how can you stand out and get noticed by the right people.
Here are four simple tweaks you can make to your profile to get more recognition.
At the top of your profile, right under your photo and name, is a space wherein 120 characters or less you can briefly describe who you are and what you do. This is called the headline.
Your LinkedIn headline may be one of the most important parts of your profile – not only because it is your profile elevator pitch, but also, because it will appear in LinkedIn search results.
An impactful and eye-catching headline is specific and pithy. It includes hard skills, job titles, and uses keywords that are targeted towards the jobs you want.
LinkedIn is not Facebook. Nor is it Instagram. It is a professional networking site, and as such, your LinkedIn photo should fit the theme.
Your photo, along with your headline, are one of the first things people will see whenever you post, comment, or they come across your profile. There are a number of different ways to go about choosing the right picture for your LinkedIn profile so you get noticed. But ultimately, the key is to simply have a professional-looking photo that allows people to easily identify who you are.
When it comes to social media and building your personal brand and social clout – content is king. It is not enough to simply have a large network with lots of LinkedIn connections. You must be actively posting and sharing content with your connections and the people you want to connect with. And if you really want to stand out and capture the attention of the right people, you should be creating your own original content, not just re-posting what others have already put together. Doing so will catch the attention of the LinkedIn algorithm and get you noticed .
Remember, make sure to post and create content that aligns not only with your current role, but also, with the positions and roles you are seeking.
Creating content is only one side of the coin, engaging and interacting is the other. If you really want to get noticed by the right people on LinkedIn, you need to be engaging with the content these people are sharing.
That does not mean you must like and comment on every little thing. But offering meaningful, insightful comments is a great way to not only capture someone’s attention but also, build a relationship for when you eventually want to connect and directly message these people.
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